603 Legal Aid- Housing Support

Housing, Tenants Rights, Eviction Process and Courts- 603 Legal Aid is on the case!

By: Marta A. Hurgin

Staff Attorney - 603 Legal Aid

Since the fall of 2021, 603 Legal Aid, along with New Hampshire Legal Assistance, has been providing legal advice and representation through courthouse sponsored eviction clinics. New Hampshire received $200 million in CARES Act funds (named the Emergency Rental Assistance Program) to help New Hampshire tenants pay their rent and utilities. 603 Legal Aid and NHLA were tapped to assists resident in applying for rental assistance as well as defending nonpayment evictions in court. Every week attorneys and support staff from these two organizations have been attending court in Manchester and Nashua, along with Southern New Hampshire Services, who is distributing the funds.

In court, Southern New Hampshire Services is able to immediately approve tenants for assistance and assure timely payment of back and future rent to their landlords. Legal aid attorneys can then assist tenants through a number of ways: by asking the court for a continuance for the landlord to receive payment, by representing the tenants in a hearing, or by crafting agreements that can allow tenants to stay in their homes. Attorneys from 603 Legal Aid and NHLA have also been able to assist tenants during mediations that are taking place in court. These court clinics have helped over a hundred Granite Staters remain housed. The clinics have been incredibly successful and a great example of how collaboration can keep people in their homes.

Additionally, 603 Legal Aid has been leading outreach efforts to various stakeholders, partner organizations, and tenant’s right groups to educate them about the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, tenant rights, and the eviction process. 603 Legal Aid has provided training on housing issues for organizations all throughout the state. 603 Legal Aid and NHLA expect the clinics and outreach events to continue for at least the next few months. So far, ERAP has distributed about $100 million of the $200 million available funds.

If you are a tenant seeking assistance in applying for rental assistance or defending an eviction, you can call 603 Legal Aid at 603-224-3333. Tenants and landlords can apply for rental assistance at www.capnh.org or by calling 2-1-1.