603LA welcomes its new Intake team members!

Three new intake specialists have joined 603 Legal Aid’s centralized call center to help process the growing number of applications for legal services. Sofia Asymianaki, Heather McKenna, and Jennifer Bedard each bring high levels of expertise and compassion to this important role often seen as the first point of contact for people looking for help.


Jennifer worked as a mortgage processor for 20 years, reviewing credit scores for clients, handling income documents, and locking in rates. She was always interested in the law, but not enough to pursue a degree in the subject. In taking on this new role at 603 Legal Aid, Jennifer has already felt more fulfillment in what she’s doing now to help connect people with civil legal services.


“Bad things can happen to people at any time, and 603 Legal Aid is a wonderful resource,” she said. “There was a time in my life when I was down on my luck and I wish I had somewhere like 603LA to turn to. Legal aid is definitely a lifeline to people.”


Sofia also has experienced of the situations people looking for legal aid commonly face.

“I emigrated to Manchester, New Hampshire from Greece in 2009, and I came from modest means,” she said. “For a time, I was homeless. Having been in that situation, I see the need for help all around me.”


Sofia worked in banking for six years before joining 603 Legal Aid. She is also a certified medical and legal interpreter for individuals who speak Greek. Her interpreting services have been utilized by the Language Bank, the National Legal Center, DHHS, the border patrol, and the UK police.


“I would talk to some people, and they would tell me that I am the only person who gave them the time of day,” she said. “When I saw the job opening at 603 Legal Aid, I knew this was a great way to stay involved and help people who have difficulty speaking English and navigating the legal system.”


Finally, Heather saw her career take an unprecedented turn with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic which lead her to successfully obtain her Paralegal Certificate at the Boston University.


“I used the time after my salon closed to get my paralegal certificate,” she said. “Seeing how people were impacted by the pandemic, I wanted to help people. By August, I was fully licensed.”


Heather paid attention to the ongoing merger between the Legal Advice and Referral Center and the NH Bar Association’s pro bono referral program into 603 Legal Aid. When an opening appeared with 603 Legal Aid’s intake department, she happily applied.


“Everyone at the organization is focused on its mission of equal justice,” she said. “All of the applicants I’ve spoken with are calling at the hardest time in their lives, and I’m able to approach them in a way that they soften and listen.”


Even though every client is different and every story is different, Sofia and Jennifer report similar feelings of personal fulfillment and relief from clients to know that help is available.


“Most of the people we talk to are grateful even if we aren’t able to help them,” said Jennifer.


Sofia added, “The best feeling in the world is finding solutions for people in need. Doing that really fuels you to keep going.”